Wednesday, October 8, 2014

NetApp Create a junction path on a CDOT vserver / SVM

Create a junction path manually on a NetApp Cluster-Mode/C-Mode/CDOT System

If you use the GUI to set up the SVM, it does not prompt you to create a data volume the same way as the CLI.  Therefore, the "/vol" directory is missing and you are unable to mount volumes on a junction path /vol.

This is as simple as creating a directory, unfortunately it's not not easy.

The only way I've found to do this is to re-run the vserver setup wizard on the command line, use the same vserver name (don't worry it won't affect the running vceter) and then accept all the defaults, and create a data volume as /vol/volname.

Once it has created the volume, CTRL-C out of the wizard, delete the temporary volume, and mount your volumes on the "/vol/" junction path!

cluster::> vserver setup
Welcome to the Vserver Setup Wizard, which will lead you through 
the steps to create a virtual storage server that serves data to clients.

You can enter the following commands at any time:
"help" or "?" if you want to have a question clarified,
"back" if you want to change your answers to previous questions, and 
"exit" if you want to quit the Vserver Setup Wizard. Any changes 
you made before typing "exit" will be applied.

You can restart the Vserver Setup Wizard by typing "vserver setup". To accept a default 
or omit a question, do not enter a value.

Vserver Setup wizard creates and configures only data Vservers.
If you want to create a Vserver with Infinite Volume use the vserver create command.

Step 1. Create a Vserver.
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Enter the Vserver name: [CURRENT-VSERVER-NAME]
Choose the Vserver data protocols to be configured {nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp} [nfs,cifs,fcp,iscsi]: [HIT ENTER]
Choose the Vserver client services to be configured {ldap, nis, dns}: [HIT ENTER]
Vserver SVMNAME's allowed protocol list has been modified to nfs,cifs,fcp,iscsi

Step 2: Create a data volume 
You can type "back", "exit", or "help" at any question.

Do you want to create a data volume? {yes, no} [yes]: [HIT ENTER]
Enter the volume name [vol9]: [HIT ENTER]
Enter the name of the aggregate to contain this volume {AGGR1, AGG2} [AGGR2]: [HIT ENTER]
Enter the volume size: [SOME SMALL SIZE LIKE 2G]
Enter the volume junction path [/vol/vol9]: [HIT ENTER]
It can take up to a minute to create a volume...

Volume vol9 of size 2GB created on aggregate AGGR2 successfully.
Do you want to create an additional data volume? {yes, no} [no]:[HIT CTRL-C] 

Exiting the vserver setup wizard. Any changes you have made so far have been saved.

Warning: You have exited the vserver setup wizard before completing all
of the tasks. The vserver is not configured completely. You can complete setup
by typing "vserver setup" in the command line interface.

cluster::> vol mount -volume VOLNAME -junction-path /vol/volname
  (volume mount)

1 comment:

  1. In 8.3 there is no "vserver setup" anymore. So thought of sharing a solution I found for creating /vol on SVMs:

    Power Shell:
    Import-Module DataONTAP
    Connect-NcController -Name
    New-NcDirectory -VserverContext -Permission 777 /vol//vol

    Credit to the following threads:


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